Nerds on ice, or NOI is a fitness site. Specializing in sports like triathlon, adventure racing, and even things like snow-camping, from which the site's name was derived, we strive to get geeky about the finer topics of any particular sport in our focus.
Recently we've been delving into the finer aspects of bike commuting. On the blog portion of the site you can follow the 200 Days of Bike Commuting Blog and get a perspective of one rider's progress thru the bike commuting 'learning curve'.
Finally, we like data, and we like to analyze. What better test area than our own physical fitnes? We've created a workout entry spreadsheet in OpenOffice Calc format and one in printable PDF format. We're also working on a java-based workout entry client that we'll release in the coming months. For now take advantage of the free workout spreadsheet and start analyzing your fitness trends!
Welcome to NOI!
Links to sites that are good at what they do, providing a valuable resource for the rest of us: